Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10. Concept Map - World War 2


World War 2

8students:Integrate visual information(e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

I.       Germany Invades Poland

This was the event that initially began World War 2. After World War 1 the Treaty of Versailles was signed limiting the Germans in every thing they did. When Hitler came into power he established Fascism which created an aggressive outlook on the world. After continuing acts of aggression continued Germany went too far by invading Poland. This act forced all of Europe to go to war.

A.    World War 2 Begins

B.    Hitler Disregards Treaty of Versailles

C.    German Aggression Begins WW2

D.    Treaty of Versailles Broken

II.     Stalingrad

Stalingrad is considered to be a turning point in the war. This battle took place in the Soviet Union's homeland. It was a long grueling battle that both Germany and the Soviet Union refused to quit. But in the end the Soviet Union waited it out and the freezing and starving Germans were forced to surrender. 

A.    Soviet Union Pushes Back Nazis

B.    Homeland Helps the Union

III.    Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941 early in the morning at a Hawaiian naval base Japanese plane pilots bombed the United States Ships. This killed thousands of American soldiers and almost all the bases ships. This act of aggression was enough to push America to join World War 2 and definitely a turning point in the war.  

A.    Causes America to Enter WW2

B.    Japan Bombs America

IV.    D-Day

Germany had control of beaches in France and were refusing to leave. On this day in June Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in order to try and take back control of the French land. Heavy artillery was used and at the end of the day the Allies had taken control, though it cost them 9,000 soldiers. It was worth it because it pushed the Allies up into France to move towards Hitler's troops. These forces included more than 100,000 Allie soldiers moving into France.

A.    Allies Storm the Beaches of France

B.    June 6, 1944

V.     Hiroshima & Nagasaki

This event was the first time nuclear weapons were used on another country. The United States of America warned Japan to surrender but they ultimately refused. President Harry Truman ultimately made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on 2 main cities in Japan. The effects of the bomb were more than expected and over 100,000 Japanese were instantly killed.

A.    Thousands of Japanese killed

B.            Causes Japan to Surrender

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