Monday, September 23, 2013

8. Padagogy Wheel & Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

    After reviewing these two articles on the Padagogy Wheel and Bloom's Digital taxonomy it appears they are useful tools. It is difficult to be organized but these two strategies enable people to be more organized. Bloom's taxonomy has 6 key terms in which it breaks things down into what items go in each category. The 6 categories are creating, evaluating, analysing, applying, understanding, a nd remembering. These six categories are followed by a bunch of sub topics which are listed as verbs.
       I find tools like these interesting the Padagogy Wheel version 2.0 has been updated to fit in with todays technology. After looking at the old version it is pretty impressive how far we have come. This is all based on applications through the ipad and other more extreme forms of technology. This seems to be the theme of out IT365 class this semester in demonstrating how technology is taking over classrooms in America. This is definitely not a surprise to read that technology once again is affecting educational tools. As I have stated in previous posts this truly frightens me in some ways becuase I feel technology though in some ways benificial, takes away from a traditional classroom setting.

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