Monday, October 7, 2013

12. Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results

After reading this article it really hit home with me. It begins with a story of a hard nose music teacher who would openly call out his students. The article continues and covers eight main ideas which are: a little pain is good for you, drill baby drill, failure is an option, strict is better than nice, creativity can be learned, grit trumps talent, and praise makes you weak.... while stress makes you strong. This points basically support the fact that hard nose teaching while today is a very risky topic has a high percentage of success.
                                                                                                                                                                           I could not agree more with this article. Growing up I have played sports my entire life, and am a very competitive person. I definitely had my fair share of tough coaches even including my father. Looking back on my days of playing organized sports I always remember being upset with my coaches or complaining about Saturday practices, but now I realize it contributed to our success. I look at coaches like Mike Ditka who would constantly scream at players and verbally harass his players but then you look at his team the 85 Bears who were considered one of the greatest team of all time. You learn to love the hard nose teachers or coaches once you are successful. They push you and motivate you to be successful or to win. I had several math teachers which were the same way and I did my best in their classes. This article basically sums up a lot of my beliefs.

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