Thursday, October 10, 2013

11. Inspiration Comments

Erica- I feel like she had really interesting ideas. I know when I was younger I definitely would have enjoyed mostly of the activities she listed, like the one with swapping heads with monsters. My only negative I have is maybe sound a little bit more enthusiastic. But I feel as if her Inspiration setup was very creative and beneficial.

Jac- I really enjoy the book that her inspiration is on. As a kid I always enjoyed acting things out and I feel like students would really enjoy that. I feel like the presentations sub topics were pretty wordy but still it was pretty good.

Mary Kathryn- Really enjoyed the creativity of all the activities and I fell like kids would really enjoy all of these. It was very game oriented and not really a lot of time for discussion or reaction from the students but I feel it would still be very successful.

Jennifer- Lesson plan was very well planned out. Everything seems prepared even the worksheets, and videos. Really liked the color scheme as well. Seems to have everything prepared and it looks ready.

Amanda- Seems well prepared. I thought there was a good balance between working and playing games. It doesn't allow students to get too bored or get too rowdy with games.

Jordan- Feel like there may be too much reaction to hurricanes rather then learning what exactly they are, it may be somewhat difficult to find a hurricane survivor to come speak. . This could be bennificial for the students to feel more emotionally involved. I really enjoyed the activities though and feel this showed great promise.


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