Monday, October 7, 2013

13. 21st Century Skills

This article really seems to display to me what the main idea of the IT365 class is. It focuses on how rapidly the world is changing and why it is necessary for us to make certain adjustments. It also discusses how students don't appear to be ready for the real world once they graduate and how this could cause negative repercussions.                                                                                                                                                                                           
 This seems to be the commonly found theme in this class. How terribly fast technology is integrating into everything. Adjustments need to be made for students to be able to catch up with these fast moving times. As I have stated in previous posts the fact that times and technology are moving so fast really frightens me. As an education major looking to pursue a career in future it astounds me just how fast this country has developed. We have not even been an official country for 300 years yet and look how far we have come. With the common core and other changes being put into motion the world is moving at a rapid speed. I look at it almost like a car. The faster you go the more dangerous it is and fewer mistakes you can make.  

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