Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10. Concept Map - World War 2


World War 2

8students:Integrate visual information(e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

I.       Germany Invades Poland

This was the event that initially began World War 2. After World War 1 the Treaty of Versailles was signed limiting the Germans in every thing they did. When Hitler came into power he established Fascism which created an aggressive outlook on the world. After continuing acts of aggression continued Germany went too far by invading Poland. This act forced all of Europe to go to war.

A.    World War 2 Begins

B.    Hitler Disregards Treaty of Versailles

C.    German Aggression Begins WW2

D.    Treaty of Versailles Broken

II.     Stalingrad

Stalingrad is considered to be a turning point in the war. This battle took place in the Soviet Union's homeland. It was a long grueling battle that both Germany and the Soviet Union refused to quit. But in the end the Soviet Union waited it out and the freezing and starving Germans were forced to surrender. 

A.    Soviet Union Pushes Back Nazis

B.    Homeland Helps the Union

III.    Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941 early in the morning at a Hawaiian naval base Japanese plane pilots bombed the United States Ships. This killed thousands of American soldiers and almost all the bases ships. This act of aggression was enough to push America to join World War 2 and definitely a turning point in the war.  

A.    Causes America to Enter WW2

B.    Japan Bombs America

IV.    D-Day

Germany had control of beaches in France and were refusing to leave. On this day in June Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in order to try and take back control of the French land. Heavy artillery was used and at the end of the day the Allies had taken control, though it cost them 9,000 soldiers. It was worth it because it pushed the Allies up into France to move towards Hitler's troops. These forces included more than 100,000 Allie soldiers moving into France.

A.    Allies Storm the Beaches of France

B.    June 6, 1944

V.     Hiroshima & Nagasaki

This event was the first time nuclear weapons were used on another country. The United States of America warned Japan to surrender but they ultimately refused. President Harry Truman ultimately made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on 2 main cities in Japan. The effects of the bomb were more than expected and over 100,000 Japanese were instantly killed.

A.    Thousands of Japanese killed

B.            Causes Japan to Surrender

9. Safe Practices For Life Online

1. Three online social networking sites would be: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. After searching online I have found several cases in which students and also older employees have been punished for putting innapropriate things on social networking websites. This is not uncommon at all. After reviewing various articles it is apparent that there should definitely be some evaluation and caution used before posting anything online.

Sexting: Any sexually explicit picture or use of innapropriate language via text message.
Cookies: Various data left over from using the computer, associated with history.
Trojan Horse: A type of virus commonly used.
Phishing: Also associated with viruses, it involves a form of manipulation from other online users.
Spyware: A way for users to view other items on another users computer.
Rootkit: Another using unknowingly taking control of another users computer.
Zombie: Not a walking corpse, but a computer being used which has been compromised by a virus.


4. Those usernames are poor choices because they give off an innapropriate vibe. If you were to come into contact with one of these usernames they would definatly gice off a bad first inpression. They would noit be very acceptable, especially in a proffesional setting.

5. This list of screen names have a provocative tone to them. They seem to want to draw attention to themselves by using innapropriate or suggestive terminology.

6. These screen names all include personal information.

Tom_Evans34: This gives a full name and you don't want anyone to know your information it could make identity theft much easier.

Missy-13: Once again this gives a name and you don't want anyone to get anything to do with your name.

AndyKarateKid: This once again gives out a name but also a hobby which is even more information.

ViolinGurl: Gives out a hobby makes you easier to locate.

restlinmatch: Gives out another hobby makes you easier to find.

7. Good or Bad Name Choices?


8. 3 Possible Acceptable Screen Names

1. Nature233
2. SharkWeek567
3. Apples402

9. Password Score:
a. No
b. No
c. No
d. No
e. Yes +2
f. Yes +2
g. No
h. No
i. No
j. Yes -2
k. No
l. No
m. No
n. No
o. No
p. No

Total Score: 2

10. I would say the most common reason students online accounts are broken into would be because Students give their passwords out to their friends who then decide to to use it or give it to others who use it. I would say the least common would be other students watching their keyboard.

The first test I selected was the Identity Theif test. I scored about halfway up the bar between lowest risk level and highest risk level. I feel as if my score would have been worse if I actually ever wrote personal checks or had a credit card.

The second test I selected was Are You an Unwitting Accomplice in Crime test. This test really didn't affect me at all. I never use online chatrooms or anything like that. The only risk I scored was for entering my birthday and things of that nature online. But that was to fill out online applications through secure websites. The only chats online I do are through facebook and I never respond to anyone I don't know.

The Third and final test I took was Are You the Lucky Winner in a Sweepstakes or Lottery test. This test didn't really affect me either. I always see popups and ocassionally ge emails saying that I have won money or prizes but I constantly ignore them. Obviously those things are not true, and I just view them as distractions and a poor attempt at trying to get my personal information.

After watching this video I have learned much. The main idea is that you can just simply go to a site and viruses can easily make their way onto computers. The man in the video explains how easily attacks can happen with drive-by downloads. At the end of the video he gives various tips on how you can protect you computer from viruses.
This video definitely has showed me that I am not very experienced or knowledgable in virus protection. It was really scary to hear some of the things he mentioned. One of the scariest things to me is the fact that you can't even always tell when your computer is being attacked. I have lost 2 laptops to viruses, and most likely it's because I was unaware my computers were being attacked or setup with viruses. This video has informed me with loads of information that I never knew anything about. It's just too crazy how fast a virus can just be downloaded to your computer before you even can know whats going on. I now know the importance of assuring that your computer is protection.

Monday, September 23, 2013

8. Padagogy Wheel & Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

    After reviewing these two articles on the Padagogy Wheel and Bloom's Digital taxonomy it appears they are useful tools. It is difficult to be organized but these two strategies enable people to be more organized. Bloom's taxonomy has 6 key terms in which it breaks things down into what items go in each category. The 6 categories are creating, evaluating, analysing, applying, understanding, a nd remembering. These six categories are followed by a bunch of sub topics which are listed as verbs.
       I find tools like these interesting the Padagogy Wheel version 2.0 has been updated to fit in with todays technology. After looking at the old version it is pretty impressive how far we have come. This is all based on applications through the ipad and other more extreme forms of technology. This seems to be the theme of out IT365 class this semester in demonstrating how technology is taking over classrooms in America. This is definitely not a surprise to read that technology once again is affecting educational tools. As I have stated in previous posts this truly frightens me in some ways becuase I feel technology though in some ways benificial, takes away from a traditional classroom setting.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

7. Integration Article Response

     In this article the writer explains how popular integration has become. He lists features, strategies, and begins a discussion. The writer seems pretty for integration in connection with the common core. I feel that he did an okay job at explaining it but didn't really win me over.
     I feel as if this article was missing something. It was interesting to read but I feel as if it wasn't all there. The writer lists the features of it and everything else but I could not find supporting evidence. In an article I look for things like statistics or a pros and cons side but It seemed just to be a positive opinion and telling what it is. I really enjoyed the Are We Building Cooks or Chefs? section. I feel that was my favorite part of the article because it had a title to just come out and grab you. I feel as if the writer just gave some supporting evidence or statistics this would be a very affective article.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

6. John Hunter and the World Peace Game

After watching this clip it is pretty apparent that John Hunter loves what he has done. He remembers things so clearly and describes things really well. He remembers everything his students say, and basically everything that happens. It was also really interesting to see his set up of the 4 by 4 display of a representation of Africa (the world peace game). He wanted a hands on activity with the students to see if they thought they could solve the problems of the world. I respect the fact that he is also honest with the students telling them he doesn't know how to solve the problem. I can definitely see this getting the students thinking and brainstorming which is always a positive thing. This game really seemed to work for him and allowed the children to think and analyze things and expand their minds. I think possibly the most inspirational part of the video was seeing the kids speak about their teacher and the game they were playing. If it wasn't for Mr. Hunter none of  those kids would ever had played that game or had those experiences. Those little experience are the ones that are going to mold them the most in the long run.