Tuesday, October 15, 2013

16. Bullying

After watching the section of the movie bully it was obviously difficult to not feel depressed. The stories in the film were so dis-heartening. Young kids being ridiculed for how they look, or there sexual orientation. Then the story of the boy who went as far as killing himself.
Watching this film truly made me think about my high school career in upstate New York. I was a three sport athlete and honestly being in a setting like that bullying is not uncommon. In football the weaker players on the team would just get randomly tackled and blind sided for no reason and sometimes it seemed like they were really hurt or injured. In indoor track the slower kids would get taunted or messed with when they were passed or after they finished way behind. In baseball before practices and the coaches were there kids would whip other kids with pitching chords and sometime even chase them all the way into the woods. There is one thing I noticed about all the kids that were bullied and it was that they were different from us. They just weren't as fast or strong so they were harassed, and it was not their fault. These kids tried just as hard but were abused both mentally and physically. It really makes me wonder why we as people attack one another when we could be so great if we just worked together. Throughout our history war is one of the most reoccurring events and we continue to fight and let people die everyday in combat. I tried to remain a neutral guy and not chose sides but in all honesty it was mostly my friends involved in the bullying.I suppose it is just in human nature to compete and fight with one another. It seems inevitable that bullying or conflict will ever stop because as I said before humans in general seem to have a thing for violence.   

Thursday, October 10, 2013

11. Inspiration Comments

Erica- I feel like she had really interesting ideas. I know when I was younger I definitely would have enjoyed mostly of the activities she listed, like the one with swapping heads with monsters. My only negative I have is maybe sound a little bit more enthusiastic. But I feel as if her Inspiration setup was very creative and beneficial.

Jac- I really enjoy the book that her inspiration is on. As a kid I always enjoyed acting things out and I feel like students would really enjoy that. I feel like the presentations sub topics were pretty wordy but still it was pretty good.

Mary Kathryn- Really enjoyed the creativity of all the activities and I fell like kids would really enjoy all of these. It was very game oriented and not really a lot of time for discussion or reaction from the students but I feel it would still be very successful.

Jennifer- Lesson plan was very well planned out. Everything seems prepared even the worksheets, and videos. Really liked the color scheme as well. Seems to have everything prepared and it looks ready.

Amanda- Seems well prepared. I thought there was a good balance between working and playing games. It doesn't allow students to get too bored or get too rowdy with games.

Jordan- Feel like there may be too much reaction to hurricanes rather then learning what exactly they are, it may be somewhat difficult to find a hurricane survivor to come speak. . This could be bennificial for the students to feel more emotionally involved. I really enjoyed the activities though and feel this showed great promise.


Monday, October 7, 2013

13. 21st Century Skills

This article really seems to display to me what the main idea of the IT365 class is. It focuses on how rapidly the world is changing and why it is necessary for us to make certain adjustments. It also discusses how students don't appear to be ready for the real world once they graduate and how this could cause negative repercussions.                                                                                                                                                                                           
 This seems to be the commonly found theme in this class. How terribly fast technology is integrating into everything. Adjustments need to be made for students to be able to catch up with these fast moving times. As I have stated in previous posts the fact that times and technology are moving so fast really frightens me. As an education major looking to pursue a career in future it astounds me just how fast this country has developed. We have not even been an official country for 300 years yet and look how far we have come. With the common core and other changes being put into motion the world is moving at a rapid speed. I look at it almost like a car. The faster you go the more dangerous it is and fewer mistakes you can make.  

12. Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results

After reading this article it really hit home with me. It begins with a story of a hard nose music teacher who would openly call out his students. The article continues and covers eight main ideas which are: a little pain is good for you, drill baby drill, failure is an option, strict is better than nice, creativity can be learned, grit trumps talent, and praise makes you weak.... while stress makes you strong. This points basically support the fact that hard nose teaching while today is a very risky topic has a high percentage of success.
                                                                                                                                                                           I could not agree more with this article. Growing up I have played sports my entire life, and am a very competitive person. I definitely had my fair share of tough coaches even including my father. Looking back on my days of playing organized sports I always remember being upset with my coaches or complaining about Saturday practices, but now I realize it contributed to our success. I look at coaches like Mike Ditka who would constantly scream at players and verbally harass his players but then you look at his team the 85 Bears who were considered one of the greatest team of all time. You learn to love the hard nose teachers or coaches once you are successful. They push you and motivate you to be successful or to win. I had several math teachers which were the same way and I did my best in their classes. This article basically sums up a lot of my beliefs.