Thursday, December 5, 2013

22. Augmented Reality

This article begins by explaining what augmented reality truly is. It is using a tablet or device to read an image and then more information or details pop up which are relevant to this image. There are several examples listed on how students used this, and it even explains how it can be linked up with another app and it lets you view things in a 360 degree view. To me this is just fascinating how far technology has come. This seems like such advanced technology use almost over the top. All students have to do is hold their device in front of an image and the device explains everything for them. This obviously would be very exciting for young students to use. After teaching my first lecture at PCS this semester (Fourth Grade Class) I have learned that it doesn't take that much to spark a young students interest. I feel as if the students would be overwhelmed with joy to use something this new and creative. At the same time with how exciting this is it actually is somewhat scary too. These students are simply holding an iPad or tablet up to an item and the devices are explain and demonstrating to the students. This almost makes the teachers job seem irrelevant. It really makes you wonder what the teachers role will be 20 years down the road. It seems as if with all this technology and also the new common core state standards act that the teachers have less and less they are able to do. This is something I feel we should all step back and look at before we decide to have robots wheeling into classrooms teaching while human teachers lose their jobs! Though I have concern about the role of teachers that still does not change the fact that augmented reality is an incredible thing, and I know that it can benefit students in so many different ways while being entertaining at the same time.

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